Professional English Footballer

Aaron Kuhl

Aaron Kuhl is a professional footballer who played for Championship side Reading, as a midfielder. Whilst playing Football, Aaron sustained a medial collateral ligament rupture.  He was referred to the practice by his Orthopaedic Surgeon following surgery to reconstruct the ligament.

Treatment consisted of massage and mobilisation to regain full movement and at the same time implementing a rehabilitation program to improve proprioception, strength of the leg musculature and co-ordination.

Having recently torn my MCL off the bone, I had an operation to repair the damage. I then needed several months of intensive Physio to rehabilitate. At the time of the injury I was a professional footballer, so it was important for me to regain fitness ASAP. I spent time with Neil Minter & Associates, Neil helped me regain my fitness, and confidence, both of which had suffered since the initial injury. I now see Neil from time to time, so he can assess how I am doing, he pushes me when I need it, and works with me to make sure I can continue improving.


The challenge

The challenge in this case was to ensure Aaron maintained the strength and fitness of a professional athlete whilst his left knee was immobilised in a brace during the early stages of rehabilitation.  This we overcame with a daily fitness program, which ran alongside his rehabilitation program for his knee.  He also had a raised scar with irritation and soreness which was treated with local ultrasound.

Treatment was extremely successful in eliminating scar soreness.  Aaron’s fitness and functional strength has improved with rehabilitation and he now has a left leg equal in strength and movement to the right and has returned to full training and playing Professional Football once more.

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