What can you expect at our Berkshire based Physio clinics?

Let’s get you off on the right foot. There are lots of things you may want to know before embarking on your journey of rehabilitation with a physiotherapist. We’ve put together some of the questions we’re more commonly asked and answered them so you know what to expect when you come through our doors.

Is a Doctors referral needed for Physiotherapy treatment?

No, but if you have private health insurance you should contact your insurance company as they may require a referral from your GP in order to authorise payment of treatment charges.

Is Physiotherapy covered by my medical Insurance?

In most cases, yes but policies vary and you should check with your insurer prior to treatment commencing. We are registered with BUPA, AXA PPP and all major health insurance companies.

Do Physiotherapists treat back and neck problems?

Yes, and in our practice, Physiotherapists have extensive experience in the spines and spinal conditions, and are very capable of treating back and neck pain.

What is manipulation and do Physiotherapists use it?

Manipulation is a type of manual therapy, where a qualified practitioner uses their hands or a tool to manipulate your joints and other soft tissues. Chartered and State registered Physiotherapists with post-graduate training are qualified to do this.

How long will I have to wait for my first appointment?

We aim to offer you an appointment within 24 hours and can often accommodate you the same day.

Will I see the same therapist throughout my treatment?

Yes, our policy is to ensure our patients see the same Physiotherapist for the duration of their treatment. The only time you will be seen by another Physiotherapist would be if your Physiotherapist is on leave, sick or if you’ve requested a change of therapist.

Should I bring my X-rays and MRI scans with me?

Yes – Please bring all the relevant information relating to your condition. It all assists your Physiotherapist at your initial assessment.

How many treatments will I need?

All patients and their conditions are different. At your initial assessment, your Physiotherapist will agree a treatment plan with you, which will include approximately how many treatments you may require.

Still got questions or want to speak to one of our team? Give us a call and we’ll be happy to talk.

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Neil M now

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Email: info@neilminterassociates.co.uk

Email: 0118 9760607